Join the Resilient Community Movement!

Empowering communities to build a resilient human future together!

The Resilient Community Movement

RESILIENT COMMUNITIES THRIVE! That is simple truth... 

Take a moment and think about your understanding of community, about your community, your neighborhood, where community is, and what it is. Then take a moment and feel what the word community means to you. This is the starting point to understanding how much we have lost in this world where we exist, but do not thrive. 

"We the People" are the first three words of the Constitution of the United States, do you feel empowered? You should, because you/we have the power to change anything. Why we feel unempowered is that we have allowed ourselves to become isolated from each other. In our strive to become "individuals" we have lost the connections of human commonality, we compete instead of cooperate.

The Resilient Community Movement is dedicated to creating (re-creating) community, resilient community with the capacity to overcome and recover from crisis together. In this way we can learn to thrive together and to tackle the apparent obstructions to making the changes necessary for all humans to thrive! 

Some Steps Along the Path

Our Resilient Community Workshops Series is designed to provide you the tools to connect with your neighbors and build community in a way where everyone is clear on the benefits to them. 

Here are a few of the tools you create as a member of Resilient Connections:

  • You will gain a core understanding of how our culture developed to become the one we live in today, and how the information age accelerated the process of isolation.
  • You will gain the ability to find common ground in our shared humanity, and engage people in developing community.
  • You will have a growing network of support through other people going through this process and engaging in this work.

Join and we can create a human future together!

  • Resilient Community Workshops
  • Project Collaboration
  • Live Chat Meetups
  • Tipping Points & Puzzle Pieces Podcasts  
  • Materials as they Develop
  • Opportunities to Support this Vital Work!
  • Events